Vaikom Mahadevar Kshetram
You can become the owner of this community
The ownership of this community is available to you because:
- You are one of the previous owners or co-owners of this community.
- This community no longer has owners and it is available for anyone who is interested in maintaining it.
You can either take ownership if you would like to be the new owner or just ignore this message.
- You are one of the previous owners or co-owners of this community.
- This community no longer has owners and it is available for anyone who is interested in maintaining it.
You can either take ownership if you would like to be the new owner or just ignore this message.
The grand old temple dedicated to Lord Shiva, is an important pilgrimage center in Kerala. The Lord 'Vaikathappan'is worshipped as the 'Annadhaanaprabhu' and almost everyday there is afeast conducted in the name of the Lord to which all are invited. The temple is constructed in typical Kerala style with a sprawling area of 8 acres one of the largest in south asia.
|| Shambho Mahadeva ||
|| Shambho Mahadeva ||
ഒരു അഭിപ്രായം പോസ്റ്റ് ചെയ്യൂ